CAB essential apps for teaching and learning
(user guides will be available)
Apps for teaching
Explain everything. Interactive whiteboard app, lets you write and record audio to be shared.
This is a simple overview of the app.
Evernote. Note sharing app, can create a library of resources with students. Builds a library of websites, videos, photos or anything that students can access to learn from. is a good place to start, video intro and other video showing how to do things
Skitch. This is an app that allows you to annotate over pictures, web sites etc
Creative book builder. Great app that lets you create your own interactive books. again good how to video.
Prezi viewer. Let's you access your prezis on your iPad
Apps for sharing Cloud storage to enable students to access shared documents, similar to school drive, but can be accessed anywhere. Also a place to store work created on any shared devices.
Evernote. Can be used for sharing of student progress and coursework. Notebooks can be created for different subjects and students can share their notes with each other.
Posterous. A place to show off work. To share things that students have created and to get feedback on their work.
Apps for learning
iMovie. Used for students to create resources, to sum up their learning, to demonstrate understanding.
Puppet pals. Similar to movie but can animate things and add voices over the top, good for bringing learning to life.
Morfo. Can be used to show what has been learnt in a session, allows students to audio record themselves talking about their learning and have some fun in the process
Creative book builder. As mentioned above, a book creation app. Students can create a book about whatever subject they want, can add video, audio and pictures as well as text. Gives students a place to save and look back over their work and have a medium to share.
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